Saturday, July 23, 2011

The magical know-all of Google!


Since it has only been about 24 hours since I started uploading these videos of seemingly rare, obscure and mildly forgotten songs I was surprised to get this message from Google/YouTube stating this:

Dear waxpumpkin,

Your video may have content that is owned or licensed by Warner Chappell.

No action is required on your part; however, if you are interested in learning how this affects your video, please visit the Content ID Matches section of your account for more information.

- The YouTube Team

I got that message concerning Eddie Smith & The Hornets "Border Beat" (which means "Upturn" must really be the B side!), both Damnation of Adam Blessing songs, and of course the 4 Seasons "Beggin'".

I truly hope I don't run in to trouble and get videos taken down because I really don't feel like having to find a new place to host the stuff + the main reason I put the stuff on youtube as opposed to a similar site was so people other than potential ebay buyers wanting to virtually play test some of these higher end 45's could enjoy the music as well. If I start being hassled by youtube due to copyrights and junk I will have to find another site that isn't trying to rule the world and rely more on this silly little blog for sharing these cool old tunes.

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