Friday, August 12, 2011

Recovery music?

So I had this giant cyst of death removed from my face on Wednesday. It was the first time in my life I was ever "put under" or have received stitches. Up to this point, in my near 30 years on earth the only surgery I'd ever had was when I had tubes put in my ears when I was 3. Needless to say, when I came home from the hospital I was rather out of it due to being put to sleep like an old animal whilst the awesome surgeons artfully and tastefully sliced and diced my face, leaving me with a pleasant vag-shaped scar on my cheek, which is kinda cool.

Anyhow, that first night home I was in a dream-like state a lot between shaking off the anesthesia and the Vicodin's I was nibbling on to keep the pain at bay. I wasn't awake but I wasn't sleeping either. I just was. I got REM's "Accelerate" LP in the mail that day and it came with a CD of the album, which I appreciated since I was in no state to listen to records. In my haze though I decided to load my 5 disc changer up with REM albums. What I ended up listening to that first night home was an oddly assortment of CD's, though it started out all REM.

1. REM - Accelerate - 2008
2. REM - Reveal - 2001
3. REM - Up - 1998
4. REM - New Adventures in Hi-Fi - 1996
5. REM - Around The Sun - 2004
6. REM - Automatic For The People - 1992
7. King Missile - Happy Hour - 1992
8. The Meat Puppets - Too High To Die - 1994

So towards the end there I had a little 8'th grade listening party going on as I listened to those last three albums a lot around that time.I am healed!Pouting Crapper Stache 8-20-11
-10 days after surgery. Now I have a tough persons scar.

Monday, August 8, 2011

New Jerusalem Mass Choir - "We Shall Be Changed" - Rare Black Gospel

Not a lot of info about this album or label. Really good upbeat funky gospel from the New Jerusalem Mass Choir of the New Jerusalem Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio. The church and the choir are both still active today, which is nice. I am guessing this was released somewhere between the late 1960's and late 1970's. Either way, the album is fantastic and if I wasn't so poor I'd keep it around in my own collection as a great token gospel LP, which all collections should have, and as it is from my home town AND good, makes it even better... however, I am broke and I'm sure a collector of private press bad-assed gospel music could also use it, so a cash trade it will be eventually!